<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Command Information

Omni's /slowmode command enables or adjusts slowmode in a specific channel, limiting the rate at which users can send messages to reduce spam and flooding. For instance, setting a slow mode timer of 10 seconds allows members to send only one message every 10 seconds in that channel. The timer can range from 0 seconds to 6 hours.

If no channel argument is used, slowmode will be enabled or disabled in the channel where the command was triggered. When setting a duration including hours, minutes, and seconds, the seconds will be rounded up or down automatically. However, it's worth noting that the slowmode scale displayed in Discord's user interface rounds up or down to the nearest interval.

In order to set the duration, /slowmode should use the MS package.


Discord Descriptions

Descriptions associated with a command and it's required/optional arguments within Discord.

Command & Arguments Discord Description
/slowmode Enable/disable slowmode in a channel.
<timeout> Timeout duration of the slowmode (0 to disable).
[channel] Select which channel to enable slowmode in.

JSON Code (Embed Designs)

These JSON code snippets are provided as a reference for styling and layout purposes only. They do not include or consider dynamic data or variables. Bolded styles, extra spaces, etc. are all intentional.

Embed Visual Guide

Embed designs are located in the Figma file below inside the “Bot Embeds” page.
